10/6 08:00 CX407 台北到香港 09:50 轉機
10/6 11:55 CX806 香港到芝加哥 10/6 13:55
10/11 15:35 CX807 芝加哥到香港 轉機 10/12 20:25
10/12 22:50 CX408 香港到台北 10/13 00:35
Athlete center https://register.chicagomarathon.com/athlete/
FAQ: http://www.chicagomarathon.com/participant-information/frequently-asked-questions/
CHICAGO MARATHON HOUSING SITE – The discount is valid only for travel that occurs from October 6-18, 2014 http://chicagomarathon.com/2014hotels
CHICAGO MARATHON Event rules http://www.chicagomarathon.com/participant-information/event-rules/
Grant Park http://origin-www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/parks/grant-park/
Chicago City Google map