2008 11/28 天氣晴


中央欺騙局都說今天氣溫會到10度! 結果咧…. 太陽!  把你晒昏咧…



再一個月就要跑這個了! 2008/12/21 “2008 ING台北馬拉松” , 但不曉得為什麼, 前幾年都叫 “xx國際馬拉松” 今年 “國際” 兩個字都沒有了,   可以看看 “太魯閣峽谷馬拉松”  國際就不見了??


P002 P006 P010 P004

圖1. 看著周圍的建築一棟一棟的蓋起來

圖2. 起跑點, 很喜歡這些紅跑道跟這些白色線條, 很美. 運動場周圍是一個一個像是羅馬競技場的走廊.

圖3. 短跑跑道, 有時會有田徑隊的再這邊練習.

圖4. 那個時鐘是每跑一圈的必看的, 常常我會跟自己下賭注, 再 xx  分還沒到前就跑進終點線, 那個時鐘還有一個溫度計的功能,  簡直太讚了.

天空好藍, ..

與 PHP 大師相會 – PHP 創始人校園講座

大師 ( Rasmus Lerdorf ) 說 “Simple is hard!”

P006 P005
與 PHP 大師 Rasmus 合影 2008.1118


PHP/FI  history :

History of PHP


PHP succeeds an older product, named PHP/FI. PHP/FI was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, initially as a simple set of Perl scripts for tracking accesses to his online resume. He named this set of scripts ‘Personal Home Page Tools’. As more functionality was required, Rasmus wrote a much larger C implementation, which was able to communicate with databases, and enabled users to develop simple dynamic Web applications. Rasmus chose to » release the source code for PHP/FI for everybody to see, so that anybody can use it, as well as fix bugs in it and improve the code.


URL1 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/josephj/sets/72157609280897581/

URL2 : http://josephj.com/entry.php?id=184

今天講稿 : http://talks.php.net/show/ntu

另外一個 PHP 教父 Andi Gutmans 砲轟 Java

還有很多人寫的心得報告 http://blog.roodo.com/jaceju/archives/7648121.html

如果程式語言是艘船, 那麼 …. 是….



If a programming language was a boat…

This one is inspired by a recent forum post, that still leaves me in amazement.

Hi, Im wondering how i can create a boat in turing and if someone can post a example.

This makes no sense, since one doesn’t normally make water vehicles in Turing, the programming language. Though this got me thinking — if a programming language was a boat, what would it be?


Turing would definitely be a kayak (thank you for comments). It’s small. It’s human powered. It’s often used as a beginner “boat”. And it’s also very Canadian.

Turing programming language as a canoe
Original photo by naokomc


Java is a cargo ship. It’s very bulky. It’s very enterprise~y. Though it can also carry a lot of weight. Will carry a project, but not very fun to drive.

Java programming language as a cargo ship
Original photo by cfarivar


Perl is a tugboat. Powerful enough to tug Java around, in 80 characters or less.

Perl programming language as a tugboat
Original photo by xeeliz


Ruby is difficult to describe. It’s sleek, sexy, and very fun to drive. Here’s a picture. Very trendy.

Ruby programming language as a speed boat
Original photo by Tony Falcon


PHP is a bamboo raft. A series of hacks held together by string. Still keeps afloat though.

PHP programming language as a raft
Original photo by permanently scatterbrained


C is a nuclear submarine. The instructions are probably in a foreign language, but all of the hardware itself is optimized for performance.

C programming language as a nuclear submarine
Original photo by Ryan C. McGinley


HTML isn’t really a programming language boat.

HTML is not a boat
Original photo by ascendeddaniel

There’s a lot more to this, and it’s all up for discussion. How would your favourite programming language fare in open waters?